
25/02/2016 18:19

Prostredníctvom receptov sa žiaci oboznamovali s novou slovnou zásobou a gramatikou určitých a neurčitých členov.  V učebnici  bol opísaný postup na prípravu jablkového koláča. Žiakov inšpiroval k tvorbe vlastných receptov.  


Mramorová bábovka / Marbled Bábovka (Bundt Cake)

Ingredients:      170 g powdered sugar

                               4 eggs

                               2 table spoons of water

                               1 packet of vanilla sugar

                               2 dcl oil

                               A little milk

                               A little cacao powder

                               Baking powder

                        200 g smooth flour

                        Flour to dust the baking bundt cake pan


Instructions: Pre-grease your bundt cake pan and dust well with some flour. Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Divide the eggs and separate whites and egg yolks. Mixe some powdered sugar with 4 egg yolks, 2 spoons of water and vanilla sugar.  Mixe the smooth flour with some baking powder. Put the mixtures all together, add some oil and the whipped egg whites.  Pour 2/3 of the batter into your prepared pan. Stir the cocoa powder and a little milk into rest of it. Pour this cocoa mixture on top of the cake. Bake for 15 minutes  at 200°C and 30 minutes at 150°C. Take the baked cake out from the oven and let it cool for about 10 minutes. Place a plate on the top and flip over to release „bábovka“ from the pan. Dust with powdered sugar.   


